Tag Archives: bookjournal

Book Journal!

5 Feb

I’ve occasionally thought that it would be nice if I kept a list of the books I have read in a notebook or something, but who has time for one more thing?

However, a couple of years ago I started using our state’s online library.  And let me just say, it was LIFE CHANGING!!  When I have a nursing baby and a bunch of toddlers running around, it is the best thing ever to be able to “check out” an e-book or audio book to read.  When I’ve finished a book, I can just “return” it and instantly check out a new one, without ever having to take small children to the library.

**Chorus of Angels Singing**

Also, when I have limited hands because one is holding a baby, or two, it is so much easier to hold my iPhone than a paperback!  and I can turn the pages with my thumb! Audio books aren’t my favorite, but it sure is nice to listen to something intelligent while I’m driving, or folding laundry, or cleaning the kitchen.

Back to the point: the Overdrive Online Library app has a history tab, and I discovered that I absolutely LOVE to look back at the books I read. It isn’t just nice, it is a huge happy boost for me.  It makes me feel like I accomplished something.  I smile about the books I enjoyed and even like to see the books I abandoned and remember why.

Last week I listened to this cool podcast from “What Should I Read Next?” in which different women shared how they keep track of the books they read. Some use Excel spreadsheets, some have a bookmark that they write on, some keep notebooks, bullet journals, or use smartphone apps.

After listening to all the great ideas, I printed out the reading journal that is offered free on Modern Mrs. Darcy (I had to give her my email address- a fair trade) I printed it at home, but took it to FedEx to be cut in half and spiral bound. They only charged $3 to do that for me.

This year I am making a thoughtful effort to put back into my life beautiful things.  Things that make me happy.  Things that may not be practical, but give me such a boost that I know they are worth while.  This reading journal is one of those things.

I also downloaded the “Library Thing” app to catalog the books I own. Its free. I already wish it had a feature where I could add notes about each book (like if I’ve loaned it to someone), but at least when I am at the book store, I’ll be able to check and see if I own Wind in the Willows already or not.  The handy bit is that it has a bar code scanner, so many of my books, I can just scan and the phone adds them into my library without my having to type anything.  So that is sweet.  Another bonus is that it is counting my books for me.  512 so far, but I haven’t scanned the kid’s picture books yet….