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Happy Valentines Day

16 Feb

Banana Cream Pie’s drawings have leveled up.

And they are still all cats 😂🐈🐈‍⬛

More Sewing Projects

27 Nov

Banana Cream Pie refuses to wear pants because she hates sitting on seams. So I used some fabric that I kept when we moved to make her a skirt. I used an old skirt that she liked as the “pattern.”

Skirt Success

One of the days for Homecoming Spirit week was “Wear your Bluebird Flour gear.” Apple Pie really wanted something to wear, and she pestered me until I figured something out. And then continued to pester me until it was done.

Here is an example of traditional flour sack clothing.

I used the Feliz Apron Dress pattern from the book Sewing Clothes Kids Love by Nancy S Langdon and Sabine Pollen. I’ve made this dress before. It is one of my favorite patterns.

Apple Pie was thrilled, and I really enjoyed making it!

Each has a Cross to Bear

8 Sep
Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie was terrified the few days before school started. What a hard thing to start high school in a strange place and where you know none of the other students! I never had to do that.

She has settled in really well, however and quickly found friends. I was so worried that she was “behind” in math, because she did not finish Algebra 1 in eighth grade. She barely began Algebra the last few weeks of school last spring. We had been working on algebraic thinking all year as part of morning time using a fantastic program called “Hands on Equations.”

Now, 3 weeks into the school year here in Utah, I am hearing from the Math teacher that I should consider putting Key Lime Pie in Math 1 and 2 concurrently, or she will be bored.

Last Monday, Banana Cream Pie decided she hated public school and wanted to go back to home school, because public school makes her write too much, and because she is lonely at school. We had a long talk, with lots of tears and hugs, and I finally convinced her that I couldn’t make a decision like that on a Monday morning, that I would have to consult with her father over a few days, and that in the mean time, she would have to continue going to school.

I pointed out that not wanting to do the work at school is a bad reason to choose home school because she is in 6th grade now, and I would require her to write just as much at home as the school is.

Also one and a half weeks is too short a time to make friends, it needs more time, and switching to home school would not fix that lack of friends problem either.

Hopefully, she starts to feel more like she belongs in school soon.

We made plans to save up some of my substitute teaching money to get either a gerbil or a Guinea Pig, so that Banana Cream Pie has something furry to look forward to playing with after school. She thinks this will make life bearable.

Banana Cream Pie makes chickens

In the mean time, she has been knitting chickens for company.

“The rooster is named Hei Hei. The hens are named Jeremy, Jeff, Nugget, and Bartholomew.” **giggling**
Apple Pie makes a hat

Apple Pie is not to be left out of yarn crafts and is crocheting a Jelly fish hat for her planned Halloween costume.

Apple Pie

She is still struggling with reading (I was looking into getting her tested for Dyslexia when we moved) and has shed some tears over the embarrassment of having to read out-loud in class and not being able to get the words right.

But yesterday, she came home jubilant over getting all the math problems on the test correct (and thus earning 3 pieces of candy.) Hopefully this reinforces what I’ve been telling her, that different people learn skills at different paces, and being slow to learn one skill does not take away how gifted she is in other areas.


Also on Wednesday, Zeek cried because Skeeter always gets to have homework and he (Zeek) never gets homework even though they are both in third grade.


Skeeter sobbed great tears yesterday because I would not let him ride a bike without wearing a helmet.

Each of us have our crosses to bear in this life.

Hike near Gouldings Arch, the Mittens in the background



Zeek/Goulding’s Arch
The resident Captain
Banana Cream Pie, Skeeter
Banana Cream Pie, Key Lime Pie, Skeeter

Cupcake Contest

6 May

Since my 3 were the only 3 kids who made cupcakes, they swept the prizes.

Zeke won a spatula. He took it to the Pokemon tournament today for good luck. #raisingnerds

Apple Pie
Banana Cream Pie

Little Felted Fox

28 Mar

Banana Cream Pie combined ideas from Felt Wee Folk by Sally Mavor and what she learned needle felting this year to make this cute little fox. 😍


27 Feb

Prompt of the day: circles, green.

Banana Cream Pie

Art Prompt for Today:

14 Feb


By Key Lime Pie
By Banana Cream Pie

Cat Kiss inspired by Gustav Klimnt!! Are you even kidding me right now?? Banana Cream pie is 10, and the way her mind works is just incredible to me.


9 Oct
Banana Cream Pie is my creepiest child, hands-down


18 Feb

After reading about Magellan’s journey around the world, (and that he died during the trip) Banana Cream Pie said,”I guess it is hard to become famous for something.”

Happy Valentine’s Day

16 Feb
Banana Cream Pie

Kindergarten loves are the best.