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19 Feb
Peach Pie made this!

I know I’m not supposed to have a favorite child, but when you have a child who makes things like this…

A Dress For Peach Pie

8 May

This was a fun dress to make. I used the tunic pattern from Sew Serendipity, lengthened the sleeves, and added a full skirt. 6 yards of hand block printed cotton voile

Sunday Treats

28 Feb

Pains aux cerises made by the fabulous baker, Peach Pie

Peach Pie turns 15

15 Nov

Peach Pie turned 15 years old this month. The year of her birth is tied to several landmarks of my life.

The year I was pregnant with Peach Pie, I joined Mary Kay. We started building the house we are now living in. I ended my eight year career in the Missouri National Guard. (If I had not been pregnant, I would have been deployed with others my National guard unit to Afghanistan.

Soon after she was born, we had the worst ice storm of my adult life. Our house was out of power for 10 days. I learned a lot about emergency preparedness from that time.

Peach Pie’s

Favorite color is deep Navy Blue

Favorite food: surf -n-turf burritos

Wants to be a baker and a mom when she grows up.

Has been taking violin lessons for 2 years. She practices diligently without me hounding her and paid for her own lessons by baking and selling bread for several months last year when I couldn’t pay for them. I’m so proud of her dedication and consistent work. Her goal music is “The Erle King” by Schubert

Loves all things Studio Ghibli. Howl’s Moving Castle is her favorite of Haywood Miyazaki’s films.

Peach Pie bakes all the bread for our family, keeps the bathrooms clean, helps keep the Scooter Pies busy, and asks me several times each day if she can do anything to help me, in addition to 6-7 hours of homeschool lessons, which she works through largely independently while I am teaching math and reading to the four youngest.

She is amazing

Sunday Evening Treats

11 Oct
If you had an amazing fourteen-year-old at your house, you too could enjoy Brioche and Abuelita Hot Chocolate on Sunday evening.

October Begins

5 Oct
My “Dollar Tree Decoration” attempt is satisfactory!

This week, October began and the cool weather came in earnest. It was “break week” for us for home school. We are trying out a schedule of 6 weeks on, 1 week off this year. So far, our schoolwork has been very productive; the new Alveary curriculum I am using makes it so easy to get our work done consistently each day. However, it’s a very full curriculum, and takes me from 8am-2pm each day to finish teaching all the lessons. Peach Pie’s (9th grade or Form 4) school day is 8-3; however, she works mostly independently. Her day includes 50 minutes of violin/piano practice, 20 minutes of playground games/Pilates, and 30 minutes Nature walk which most high schoolers wouldn’t probably get to enjoy during school hours.

Because it was break week, I was able to help my sister Mary a little as she finished up projects at the home they are selling.  Tuesday, I prepped walls for painting, and Wednesday, I babysat her pre-schoolers and baby.  

Wednesday, I also got a fun haircut. I’ve wanted to get a faux hawk pixie cut for years, and finally decided that it was silly to worry about what people would think and whether I would like it, and that I needed to just live my own life.  I am loving my hair cut. 

Wednesday night I explained to The Scooter Pies that they are big enough to go to sleep in their own bed (and don’t need to be snuggled all the way to sleep in my bed any more) and old enough to stay in their room until the sunlight comes in their window. I have reaped some precious nights of uninterrupted sleep since, and though I don’t want to rejoice too early and jinx myself, feel cautiously optimistic about this wonderful new arrangement continuing.

Blueberry Pie rescued an abandoned puppy near our home on Thursday. The kids have names him Aztec, and he is pretty cute. We are all trying to learn more about how to take care of a puppy. I’ve already explained to the kids that he has to be an outside dog because we have family who are allergic. So we have a crate to put him in at night, and the kids play with him outside when he is awake. I am eager for his vet appointment on Tuesday to clear up some obvious parasite conditions.

Key Lime Pie’s twelfth birthday was Sunday, and we let our girls get their ears pierced when they turn twelve, so Friday, I took her to get the deed done. It seems a bit barbaric to let my girls get holes punched in their ears, but they all look forward to it eagerly. Julia chose tiny birthstone studs, and my wild child looks sweet and girly. I found her watching “West Side Story” all alone, recently, and thought to myself, “She really is becoming a teenager.”

I still taught piano all week. I have 33 students this year, who I teach in 7 group classes and 11 individual lessons. I teach piano from 3-6pm each day Monday-Thursday. Group lessons are best for the students, they learn rhythm and note reading much more quickly by playing ensemble, and they have more fun in groups; but due to some families schedules, some students being at odd places in the curriculum, and some students wanting individual lessons due to COVID, I have more 1-on-1 lessons than I would have ideally scheduled. The Alveary recommended finding a teacher who uses the “Curwen Method” of teaching. So I read a teaching manual written in the 1890’s by Mary Curwen. The method books I already use are quite similar, but she adds in ear training, which is exactly the thing I have been wanting to add to my teaching. In each lesson, she has the students take “dictation.” They listen to a short sequence and have to write the music down- rhythm and pitch. I believe my students will reap multiple benefits from this practice, and I’m very excited about it.

My conference buddy, Mandy

Saturday after leading a masked ACT study group with Pumpkin Pie and 6 of her friends from school, we loaded up the van and headed up to my Brother Peter and his wife Amy’s house to watch General Conference and play with cousins. The resident Captain had Guard Drill weekend and was gone Friday-Sunday, so it was a good day to run away and play.

One of Blueberry Pie’s swim coaches was getting married up north, near Booneville, Missouri, so he drove up to that. At 6:30, he called to tell me that his car had broken down on I-70, so I began the 3-hour drive to go pick him up. He called the Highway Patrol, and they took him to the nearest truck stop so he didn’t have to wait on the side of the road. It was a good evening for him to get stuck somewhere, really. I didn’t have anything planned except watch conference with Amy, and I listened to it while I drove, plus listened to a big chunck of my fascinating audio book. (It is Rain of Gold by Victor Villaseñor, and I highly recommend it, though it deals with tough realities and some situations are probably PG-16ish.)

Roz the Wild Robot cake

Blueberry Pie and I got back to Peter’s house at about 12:45 and crashed on his couches with the rest of my kiddos. Yay for an unexpected sleepover! We stayed and played with cousins until the morning Sunday session of General Conference was over. Amy fed us some delicious chili, and then we drove home to shower and relax and get ready for Dad to be home from soldiering.

Sunday afternoon, my sister-in-law, Kaitlin (Johnny’s Kaitlin) messaged me that I might be able to salvage my scripture journal by putting it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Back story: I bought a Journal Edition Book of Mormon and have been making study notes all year with friXion pens. These ink pens erase with friction (heat).

A week or 2 ago, I discovered that the book had gotten hot somehow, and many of my notes through first Nephi had erased on their own. Following Kaitlin’s tip, I stuck my BOM in the freezer, and it worked! My notes came back enough that I could tell what I had written, and I went back over them with my flair pens. Lesson learned: don’t journal with erasable pen!

Ben came home from Ft. Leonardwood, happy with the news that he will get to transfer to an instructor position with the RTI. This means he will be teaching new officer candidates. It’s a position he has been actively seeking for a long time. It’s still a one-weekend-a-month gig like normal National Guard stuff, but he will have some 2-week trainings this fall to prepare.
It was quite the “break week.” I’m excited to get back to school Monday morning.

January 2020

31 Jan
The Scooter Pies play many games of Forbidden Island and Sushi Go! with mom
Watercolor narrations from “As You Like It” clockwise from top left: by Peach Pie, Key Lime Pie, and Cherry Pie
Key Lime Pie’s Bear Family
Banana Cream Pie’s Baby Seal
Apple Pie’s Brown Bear
Pumpkin Pie goes to Homecoming Dance

Happy 14th Birthday, Peach Pie

8 Nov


This amazing girl is 14.  Not only is she beautiful, but she is also talented.  She is learning to play piano and violin.  She wanted violin lessons for years.  Finally, Christmas 2018, I found out about a teacher in our town, and  I was able to get her a violin.  Peach Pie practices diligently each day, getting up at 6 am to practice without any reminding or nagging from me.  This fall when our family budget took a big hit, we had to cancel everything extra.  Rather than cancel her lessons, I came up with an idea to have her make bread and sell it to earn the money.  (We sold homemade bread before as a home school project, so I knew she could do it.)

For 3 months, she made and sold 4 loaves of bread every week to pay for her violin lessons.  Now I am able to cover her lessons again, but she still makes 4-8 loaves of bread for the family, just to help me out.

She also cleans the bathrooms in our house every day and helps out with dishes often.  While I am teaching piano lessons, she keeps the Scooter Pies happy, and she constantly asks if there is anything else she can do to help. I gave her the day off of doing chores for her birthday, but she did some anyway. I love her and she makes it easy. #seriouslysheisthebest


Peach Pie loves all things Studio Ghibli.  For her birthday, she got a Totoro sweater and earrings.  Aunt Amanda took her (and sisters) to see a movie and Blueberry Pie brought home sushi for her.  She chose butamon and a pumpkin roll for her birthday dinner. Delicious.

Operation Real Life Math

21 Feb

Operation Real-Life Math is a success! We calculated the cost to make bread and cinnamon rolls, figured their profit from sales, and even used algebra to figure out the most fair way to split that profit! The girls are happy with their earnings and their business. I was happy to see them getting up early on their own to make the bread. Responsibility is the best lesson of all.

thank you, friends, for your support

Peach Pie is Ten

11 Jan

This girl is crazy sauce.

She has some rad creative skills, which I am loving watch unfold and develop.

 She loves to be helpful and will come back multiple times to ask what else she can do to help me out.


She has a really nice singing voice, and she is brave enough to use it!

She is amazing and I love her.

She likes to ask questions that she already knows the answer to, which I need to be more patient about.  I can’t figure out if she just likes to make certain sure of things, if it’s her way of making sure I’m paying attention, or if she just likes the feeling of hearing the answer she expected.

She always tells me that she loves me before she goes to bed.  I used to suspect that this was a stalling technique, but now I’m convinced that she is totally sincere.

I’m really lucky to be mom to this super cute, kinda loud and tacky girl.

She is a lot like me that way.

for her birthday, she wanted everything sushi, so we made sushi rice crispy treats with Swedish fish for her birthday cake.