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Holy Ground

28 Jan

“At the end of our lives He (God) is going to look into our hearts. What is it He will find there, I wonder? Will He find that we used the geography lesson, the dreaded math test, the teetering laundry pile, and the boiling over soup pot to draw closer to Him? Did we use these gifts to teach our children to lift their eyes heavenward? Were the tedious details of a day offered up as a way for us to love Him, or were they merely gotten through, checked off, accomplished? Did we even realize that every ordinary day, we were standing on holy ground, building a cathedral far more glorious than what we could dream up on our own?”

~Sarah Mackenzie

A Spirit Royal and Magnanimous

14 Oct

“It is a mistake, perhaps, to think that, to do one thing well, we must just do and think about that and nothing else all the time. It is our business to know all we can and to spend a part of our lives in increasing our knowledge of Nature and Art, of Literature and Man, of the Past and the Present. That is one way in which we become greater persons, and the more a person is, the better he will do whatever piece of special work falls to his share. Let us have, like Leonardo [daVinci], a spirit ‘invariably royal and magnanimous.”

Charlotte Mason, vol 4 pg 48

Skip Counting Memory

8 May

Skip Counting Memory! Not only are they getting accustomed to the multiples, they are spontaneously discussing their chances of turning over the card they need

“There are three twenties out there, my chances are pretty good.”

#rightstartmath #howwealveary #charlottemasonirl #homeschoolmath

Homeschool Math

1 May

April has been chilly this year. #homeschoolmath

Right Start Math is working very well for us this year.

Roaring River Hike

29 Apr

Hike at Roaring River.

What a perfect day.

The Deer Still Dance

11 Apr

It was last Spring (2022),

I was reading “Little Brother to the Bear” to the age 8-11 year old kids in our homeschool co-op. The author tells stories of animal behavior he observed while spending hours and days alone in the wild (in Canada, I think.)

One of the stories was of the deer playing a game or a dance where they ran in a circle or a figure-eight pattern, leaping and bounding.

My feeling reading this story was that we had no chance of observing this for ourselves, because it was written so long ago, and there are so few wild places left, and we don’t spend that much time outside.

I even thought that probably the animals don’t act like that any more.

But this morning, before dawn, Blueberry Pie went out to his car, and there were white-tailed deer in our yard.

He later described to me that they were running fast in a circle or a figure-eight pattern, as if they were playing a game or doing a dance.

They completely ignored him for several minutes.

You guys!! The deer still dance! 😭😭🥰

Little Felted Fox

28 Mar

Banana Cream Pie combined ideas from Felt Wee Folk by Sally Mavor and what she learned needle felting this year to make this cute little fox. 😍

Happy Pi Day

14 Mar
Banana Cream Pie

Pi day was made for homeschoolers

Zekey Pie

300 digits of Pi represented by color


27 Feb

Prompt of the day: circles, green.

Banana Cream Pie

It’s a Crabby Kind of Day

23 Feb

We had crabs for art and literature today!

Aesop’s Fables: The Crab and His Mother

An old crab said to her son, “Why do you walk sideways like that, my son? You ought to walk straight.” The young crab replied, “Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow your example.”
The old crab tried, but tried in vain, and then saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child.


Apple Pie

Art – Water Color from Nature

Key Lime Pie
Banana Cream Pie
Apple Pie