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Sassy-Flirty Apron Swap–Dinner Refashion

9 Apr

I actually recieved this apron over a month ago…before Valentine’s Day. However, there was no one to take a picture of me in it, since my DH was gone. He’s home now πŸ™‚ and I got him to take a picture of me. I L-O-V-E this apron. It turned out that my cousin was my partner and made it for me. I need this pattern. It looks better on me than any of the other aprons that I own. (And I have a plethora.) This apron is made for my shape.

I cannot impress upon you enough how much I love this apron and feel so pretty in it. The ties are wide enough to make a fat bow. It is just great. She also included some pink hot pads and a marvelous fridge magnet that looks like a chocolate covered strawberry. So tasty looking. There was also a little apron for my dish soap bottle and several other goodies. I am too lazy to take a picture of right now.

Love the Apron

***Dinner Refashion***

I am very much into Wardrobe Refashion, and am planning a post about my efforts in that area soon. Today, however, I would like to talk about Dinner. Two days ago, I made a Roasted Lemon Greek Chicken. I haven’t made this recipe in awhile, and we always loved it before when I made it. Basically, you chop up potatoes, red onion, green pepper, and mushrooms and toss them in lemon juice, garlic, oregano, and olive oil. Then I put them in a roasting pan, put a 3 lb. Turkey breast on top and baked it for 2 hours. Sounds yummy, huh?

Well, when it was done, we were just not in the mood for it. So no one ate much of it. Also, I had made extra because I was expecting company. (though no company came). So we had all these left overs that no one wanted to eat and it was perfectly good food!

I sliced as much of the breast as I could for sandwiches. Then I pulled the rest of the meat off the carcass in bits and set it and the veggies aside in the fridge. Today I had a stroke of genius.

I got out my big stew pot and made a roux of 4 Tbs butter and 4 Tbs flour. I added 2 Tbs curry powder and 1/2 tsp of cumin and cooked that for about 2 minutes.

It smelled heavenly.

Then I added all the turkey bits and veggies and enough water to make it all soupy. I had to add a bunch of salt–like 1 1/2 Tbs. Then I let it simmer for an hour until the curry flavor got into the veggies.

And, Wa-La
Tasty curry chicken soup that everyone gobbled up and called yummy.


Tea Party Aprons

9 Apr

I entered another of my aunt’s Sassy Apron Swaps. Diva #1 has been pretty excited whenever I get an apron and goodies in the mail and she kept asking me if she could get goodies in the mail like that. So, I asked my Auntie if I could enter Diva #1 instead of myself in her Tea Party Sassy Apron Swap. Well apparently, several other little girls wanted to play too, because she created a Junior category for us all.

This time, we were paired up with a partner and they knew who we were. (usually it’s a secret.) It was really fun. Diva’s tea party friend sent her this fabulous cup cake apron and lots of other treats like cup cake lipgloss and cup cake socks. (Oh how thankful I am for those socks. Diva #1 hates socks–specifically the seam in the toe bugs her. It is a fight every morning before school. But she will wear the cupcake socks VOLUNTARILY!!!) Diva’s partner’s mom is one amazing woman!

This is the apron we made for Diva’s partner. Tutorial comming soon! We also sent her a heart-shaped tea cup that matched it and a few other goodies.

This was definitely fun!

Apron Swap

12 Feb

Here it is!!! I finished it!!! The apron for my swap partner. Actually I mailed it on Monday, 4 days ago. So I’m sure she has it by now, even though it had to go all the way to Alaska. I sent her some other goodies as well, including a little bobble-head turtle from Mexico. I was very proud of myself for figuring out she likes turtles by reading her blog. Then I realized that her blog address is “turtle trax” and only an idiot wouldn’t figure out that she likes turtles. So there you go.

I used the Chic Sisters apron pattern from Marie-Madeline Studio. I found them thru the apron swap, and they live less than 60 miles from me!!

As you can see, the apron looks decent on me, so I am sure it will look fabulous on my size 8 (@#&*$^#*& bless her heart) partner.

Tulip Babies

6 Feb

As part of the AWESOME “Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice” Apron swap I am in, I won a gift basket of flower bulbs from Bev of Bevie’s Blooms. I am so happy about it.

They came in the mail this week in a very pretty tin. I showed the bulbs to Diva 2 and Diva 3. I explained that we would get some special dirt (potting soil) and plant the bulbs and they would grow into flowers. I read the names of the flowers off the little bags. There were



and tulips.

Later, Diva 3 asked me, “Now can we go get the special dirt for the “tulip babies?”

Sweetheart Apron

17 Jan

Because of the cool swap I am in, I have a chance to win this marvelous apron. It was made by lovely Lana. All the aprons she makes will make you drool. You can see them in her etsy shop.

Apron Swap!!

2 Jan

THere is a new apron swap–Just in time for Valentines day πŸ™‚ It is put together by my loveley Aunt Lucy and the sweet Shawnee. I am so excited as I have participated in an apron swap before, an dknow how fabulously fun it is. You can join too over at Sassy/Flirty Swap!


2 Aug

For my Mother’s Family Reunion, we had an apron swap. I made an apron for my awesome cousin Josie

I used this Chubby Chic Apron Tutorial from the fantastic Cindy-Lou of Apronista.

You can’t see it in the picture, but the pocket says “Just admit it, you’re jealous of my apron.”

I also made 3 little girl aprons for my cousins Annie, Caroline and Emma (not necessarliy named in order pictured)
For Caroline and Emma, I used this ruffly apron tutorial from One More Moore. It was fun and fast to sew.

For Annie’s apron, I got bored of the ruffles and it was 2 a.m. so I was brave and just made this. It turned out pretty well, I think, for one of my first forays into the world of no-pattern sewing.

I am still working on the apron for Calvin (sorry, Calvin….I suck)

Apron Swap Happiness

25 Mar

I am very late posting this to my blog. Here is the glorious apron I recieved from my Sassy Apron Swap partner, the amazing Allison. It is made from oh so pretty spring fabric and here’s the best part…it is a maternity apron, so it will fit me all year long! Oh! Surprize!! I am expecting a baby somewhere around October 8. My son is hoping for a brother to be on his team–he thinks his 3 sisters are a bit crazy sometimes.

Back to rhapsodizing about my apron…It has lovely large pockets on the front and it came with a matching hair tie. happy sigh. I wear it pretty much every day. Sort of like Gwenny, my 3 year old, and her sparkly shoes. I was telling one friend about the apron swap–how we have partners and we send someone an apron and then someone else sends us one. She got a really confused look on her face and said, “Why don’t you just make yourself an apron?” I didn’t know what to say. She just doesn’t get it, so I don’t think I could explain it. How you can make something way cooler for someone else than for yourself. And it is like Christmas to get that package in the mail from far away and be amazed and the perfect thing that a total stranger made special for you. And I got the most wonderful, sweet note from the lady I made my apron for saying how much she really loved it. That was the best part.

Apron Swap DONE!

6 Mar

I finally finished my apron for the apron swap. Only a week late. But I was sick last week. I procrastinated it for fear that I would make something awful and my partner would hate it. I still don’t know if she will like it, but at least it isn’t awful. I like aprons that have a top–that is the part of me that needs protecting anyway. My most favorite apron ever is one from Mexico. So I traced it onto brown paper and made a pattern. I like this apron because it makes me feel pretty to wear it. It is pink and has lace. The plaid fabric is a must to be authentic as are the flowers on the pockets. I chose dogwood blossoms because I am from Missouri, and dogwoods blooming means spring is finally here.

This is my new Kitchen Bling Bling from my dear dear Husband! Happy Day

I have already made bread in it. Happy Day. Look Look how shiny it is πŸ™‚

These marvelous things were made for me by my sister, Mary. She brought them over on Valentine’s Day. Isn’t she amazing? I am way too lazy to do this much work on cupcakes. I was not too lazy to eat these though. hee hee.

Apron Swap

7 Jan

Okay, time for even more apron goodness. Mamma Byrd is hostessing a handmade spring apron swap. Too much fun!
