Blooming Where You are Planted

1 May

As humans, we tend to focus on what we lack.  God has asked us to give thanks every day, and to be grateful in all things.  This is a gift to us to help us overcome our natural tendency to focus on what we lack.  Bob Goff said, “We are not held back by what we don’t have.  We are held back by what we do have and don’t use.”

One way to bloom is to look around and ask yourself, “What do I have that I’m not using?”

My grandmother, Lenore Bennion, told me, “Happiness is not getting what you want.  Happiness is doing your duty and being glad.”

 One way to bloom is to ask yourself good questions that lead to gladness.

 “Why?” is generally a terrible question. e.g. “Why is my house always so messy?”  “Why are things so hard right now?”

 Instead ask “How?” or “What?” questions:

 How can I get my work done and have fun at the same time?

What can I do to laugh a lot today?

How can I make today better than yesterday?

What can I do to show my boss that I am the best person for this job?

Another way to bloom is to recognize your true value. 

On a Sunday morning in January, six years ago, I stayed home from church with my 2-year-old twins, who were both feverish.  As I sat on the couch snuggling them, I felt suddenly an awe that my presence was what they wanted most.  They were miserable, and they just wanted me.  It’s incredible, really.  All the things I constantly criticize myself for, they didn’t care about.  They didn’t care that I needed to lose 40 pounds. They didn’t care that I wasn’t wearing makeup or dressed in trendy clothes. They didn’t care that the dinner I fixed the night before was hasty and lacked vegetables.  They didn’t care that I hadn’t mopped the floor yet. They just wanted me.

“You never know how much good you do.  …You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord; then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. Then leave the matter in the hands of the Lord. You will discover that you have accomplished something beyond price. ~Gordon B Hinkley To the Women of the Church 2003

As we bloom and grow, we can recognize that growing is not always easy. Growth means change, and change can be scary and uncomfortable.  If life feels hard- that’s good! That means you are learning and changing!

“It might be hard at first or always.  “If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived.”
―Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Inconvenient Messiah”

Another way to bloom is to spend time on something you are good at. Always setting goals to work on what you are bad at can get discouraging.  Work on something that brings you joy!  Heavenly Father gave you gifts for a reason.

1 Timothy 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery (elders).

 The same principle applies to service. You don’t always need to know what is most needed, you can serve out of the abundance of what brings you joy. We feel inadequate because we are. Let control of the outcome.  Bring your little basket of loaves and fish to the Savior’s feet and let Him multiply them.  We bloom when we serve others from the joy that overflows out of our hearts.

When we are going through hard things, it can be easy to think that God has forgotten us, that he is not nearby.  But the scriptures show us a different picture.


Jacob chapter 5:21-22

 And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: How comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the tree? For behold, it was the poorest spot in all the land of thy vineyard.


And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit.


The Lord knows where you are planted, he knows the difficulty of your ground, and he is nourishing you.  He knows what is good for you and for your family.


“So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.”
―Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You”

Teacher Appreciation Week

28 Apr

Sunday for 2.5 hours, Banana Cream Pie, Apple Pie, and my friend who is also a secretary at the school helped me decorate all the teacher’s doors.

I fixed the spelling of Un-frog-gettable after I took this picture.

Our designs were perhaps not sophisticated, but we had fun and we hope the teachers felt loved.

We created the designs with large paper from the school and birthday party supplies I got at Dollar Tree.

This should say “taco-bout a great teacher!” I fixed it after the photo.

Family Portrait

26 Apr
Peach Pie made this super cute portrait of our family.

I am in love with how accurate it is!

Pretty sure I work at the school with the most beautiful stadium view in the nation.

Writing outside with students.


My Neighbor

22 Apr

Our little bat is back! 🥰

We missed him this winter.

Also, I have evidence that 8-year-old boys live at my house:

Your mom
Bru you, Ha Ha

Small and Simple Things

17 Apr

Yesterday I was missing the springtime birds of Missouri. I wished for the cacophony of birdsong that I could hear in my front yard every morning. I had worked to learn to identify the different bird calls, and I knew many of them: cardinals, blue jays, Carolina wrens, oriole’s, red-winged blackbirds, dickcissel, meadow larks, robins – they felt like friends.

I was thinking that I haven’t heard any birdsong here in the desert, though I have seen ravens and a little brown sparrow-type bird.  

This morning, I woke early with ideas for young women’s, so I got up to write them down and study how best to achieve a meaningful activity for the girls this week. We suddenly have 9 girls coming to activities frequently, although sometimes it dips down to 3 again. 

On Sunday in Young Women’s class, one of the girls spoke of going to a cultural ceremony. She expressed that she had felt fear that she would offend God by going to it, but that she wanted to honor her heritage also. So she went, and she prayed that God would forgive her for going, and she felt peace.  I told her that God wants her to honor her heritage, and I felt right in saying it, although I know that not every single traditional practice is good.

It has been interesting to see how some of the Navajo adults at church felt they had to abandon every Navajo teaching – that is was all of the devil— and how others find the similarities and connections with Christian faith, and it strengthens their testimony of God.

I want the young women to be able to honor and keep the good, wise teachings of their heritage without fear.  I’ve been studying what principles I can teach them to help them feel confident in keeping all that is good in their Navajo traditions, and how to pray for guidance if they feel confused or unsure about something (as this young woman did.) And that they can move forward, learning as they go and not be afraid that they will be condemned for mistakes.

As I was finishing up making notes of the thoughts and ideas I had, I heard a bird chirping right outside my door, so loudly! It practically rang my doorbell and announced, “Hey, I’m out here!” 

I stepped outside my door and watched the sunrise and listened to the birds I had not heard before. Heavenly Father really is there in the small details of my life. His love is so generous and abundant, even when I don’t think to pray for the little things my heart longs for.  What I have now are some new birds to make friends with, and sufficient notes to guide a discussion with the Young Women about Our Heavenly Father, Mother, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. By the end of it, my hope is each girl will know that she has a testimony of their love for her. 



My Christmas amaryllis bloomed! It is beautiful

Fry Bread Perks

11 Apr

Living in Monument Valley means that school activities often have fry bread for all.

So. Delicious.

Easter 2024

31 Mar

Friday was a break from school, so Ben and I drove to Page, Arizona. I forgot that Page is on standard time, instead of daylight time, so we got there an hour early for our grocery pick-up.

Since we had bonus time, we got tacos at a taco truck and drove over to see the Glenn Canyon dam.

After that, I managed to get a last minute appointment for a hair cut, and Ben picked up the groceries at Walmart. (Page is our closest Walmart- only 2 hour drive from Monument Valley!)

I miss the spring flowers in Missouri, but the school does have this flowering tree.
Saturday, the kids and I colored eggs

We also made resurrection rolls and put them in the fridge for Sunday.

I made these drop-crotch pants for Banana Cream Pie, who prizes comfort over style.

I really missed getting together with family for Easter. But we had a nice ham dinner, and an indoor egg-hunt, because there was a sandstorm blowing outside. I made the kids wait outside in the wind while we hid the eggs. 😂

Sunday evening, we had a glow stick dance party with all the glow sticks from the egg hunt.

Spring Break in Salt Lake

17 Mar

I really wanted to go to the beach for Spring Break. However, the resident Captain had to be at Camp Williams for the Saturday and Sunday of the week, so driving the opposite direction to Sand Diego or Puerto Penasco didn’t make sense this year.

We were considering whether to take the family to Salt Lake City for Spring break, and then Key Lime Pie won our regional Poetry OutLoud competition, and the state final was in Salt Lake City on the Wednesday of spring break week. Decision made.

We got to Salt Lake City on Tuesday evening, and the first thing I did Wednesday morning was get a haircut. Currently, the biggest pain point of living in Monument Valley for me is living so far away from a good haircut. I still haven’t found a stylist within a 4-hour drive that cuts my hair the way I’d like. Even this cut was not what I initially asked for, but I compromised when it became clear that I wasn’t getting the cut I wanted. At least it’s cut.

After the haircut, I took Key Lime Pie shopping for an outfit for the night. She bought her own shoes! what a grown-up!

Then the Man is the House and I went to a runners store and got new running shoes because we started our favorite couch to 10K running program again. I am determined to build up some cardiovascular fitness and endurance! I also got these sweet converse kicks on clearance. When I saw them, I knew the kiddie pies would approve.

Ready for the Evening

All the contestants, but one, were type 1 energy girls, just like Key Lime Pie, so they became instant friends and already have a text chat group.

After the contest ended, we went to Leatherby’s Family Creamery and had ice cream. I had the best coconut cream pie ice cream I’ve ever eaten.

Thursday, we found a place called “Classic Fun Center” in Sandy, Utah. We bought discounted tickets online and spent about 6 hours there playing in the bouncy houses, jungle climbing, laser tagging, nerf blasting, roller skating, and arcade gaming. I have zero pictures. We were too busy having fun.

Thursday night, we left the kids at the Airbnb with microwave Mac-n-cheese, and the Man of the House took me to a delicious Indian restaurant in American Fork. Chicken Tikka Masala, Lamb Curry, naan, and mango lassies! Yes please!

The Skooter Pies were very happy to skip Indian food and eat macaroni and play the Wii instead.

Friday, we went to Clark Planetarium. We had free tickets to the IMAX theater, thanks to Key Lime Pie’s astronomy teacher. We watched Deep Sea 3D. The kids were amazed by the 3D movie. The narrators (Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet) were very soothing, so I admit, I fell asleep for an unknown chunk of the movie. After the movie, we spent about 1.5 hours playing with all the interactive exhibits. Friday was probably not the best day to go, because there were 2 school groups, and it was pretty crazy and crowded. But the exhibits were stellar. We would have stayed much longer, but we all got hungry and caved in to baser needs than exploring.

Friday afternoon, we headed to my friend Shelley’s house. She moved from Missouri about the same time we did and loves to have us visit.

Pumpkin Pie and Peach Pie drove down from Rexburg to visit us, too. That was lovely. We did lots of talking about their school and future plans.

Friday night, the resident captain headed off to Camp Williams for soldier duty. Shelley, Robyn, and I went to Leatherby’s Family Creamery for a girls’ night out! Robyn is another Missouri friend who lives in the Salt Lake Area now.

I ordered the mud pie, and it did not disappoint! So, so, so delicious- but not overwhelmingly sweet. Girls night at Leatherby’s will happen again.

Mud Pie with chocolate sauce 🤌🤌😤🔥

Saturday, we went to an early Easter breakfast at Shelley’s ward. Then Shelley and I ran some errands (like picking up dry cleaning because when I’m in town with all the stores, I have to do all the things that cannot be done in Monument Valley.)

Then we walked with the kids to a fun park about a mile from her home.

Lottie is Key Lime Pie’s BFF. Yay!
Peach Pie had a whole Saturday of homework to do, but Pumpkin Pie was able to come to the park with us. She and I made so many plans for the future. ❤️
Sunday morning, the Kiddie Pies and I went to church with Shelley.
At 12:30pm, we picked up the Man of the House, and headed back home to Monument Valley.
Apple Pie created food from Starbursts on the drive home.

We made good time, and got home around 7pm. I whipped up some Spaghetti-and-Meatballs and oven-roasted Brussels sprouts. It was so good to eat home-cooked food after a week of take-out and easy snacks.

Arches National Park

12 Mar

We have been to Arches before, but it was years ago, so our younger kids were too little to remember or not even born yet.

We decided to stop on our way up to Salt Lake City. Moab is about half-way, so it’s a good place to have lunch and a break. The kiddie pies liked it, but they also complained a lot. Which I have hypothesized was mostly because they knew we still had 3.5 ish hours of driving after we left the park, and they just wanted to get it over with.

However, even mostly reluctant kids can not fully ignore the awesomeness of the arches, which is why I have all these enthusiastic photos from a stop that was mostly whining from start to end. The moral of the story is, that family trips like this are worth it, even though it feels like so much hard work at the time, and the whining sucks away all the parents’ energy. Ten years from now, they won’t remember the long car ride, but they will look at these pictures and remember the fun.

I’ve blogged about this same idea before: the worst family vacation ever is still a good thing.

Hiking to the Sandstone Arch
Sandstone Arch
Apple Pie
Delicate Arch
GlowWorm and the Resident Captain

Visible Mending

9 Mar

I saw a TikTok about visible mending right after we moved to Monument Valley, and I’ve been wanting to try it since then.

I checked out this book on my Libby App!
I bought these jeans for Apple Pie online, and they came with holes in the knees!! What?? How did the picture not show that when I bought them? Oh well, now I have an excuse to try that visible mending.
This sticky weave has a pattern on it to help me make straight stitches.